Qualitative nvivo
Qualitative nvivo

The NVivo Qualitative Project Book allows the researcher to work through their own project, or work with data provided from a real project. The reader is the craftsperson, trialling those tools in the processes of getting started, tentative interpretation, drawing links, shaping data, and seeking and establishing explanations and theories. The software tools are introduced only as needed and explained in the framework of what is being asked. The reader follows basic steps for creating and conducting a real project with real data, using the new-generation software package, QSR NVivo. This book invites readers to learn how to use qualitative data analysis software in the context of doing their research project. I recommend it for both the new user as well as the experienced one’ - Marilyn Lichtman, Forum for Qualitative Social Research - follow the link below to read the complete review. This book provides ways to integrate the thinking about a project and the data you have with practical ways that the software can facilitate the process. ‘Qualitative researchers continue to be criticized because they rely too much on their own interpretations and avoid analytical and theoretical issues. A very welcome contribution to this field’ - Martha Ann Carey, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York.

qualitative nvivo

The advice is friendly, almost folksy with clear conceptual explanation of how the program works. ‘A great basic book, which can be used by the novice qualitative researcher.

Qualitative nvivo